Lake Toho double up

Summer Lake Toho fishing report

The bass fishing on Lake Toho this summer has been some of the most consistent we’ve ever seen, and it’s due to some unique circumstances. Right now we have more hydrilla on the lake than ever before, and the invasive grass has actually made for some excellent bass fishing. The water, which typically has a algae bloom at this time of year, is the cleanest I have ever seen during the summer, and the bass are loving it. We are averaging an incredible 30+ bass a day right now on just our 4 hour trips. With 40+ fish days happening […]

7 pound lake Toho bass

Summer Lake Toho fishing report

Lake Toho this summer is healthier than ever. With the FWC not spraying any grass on the lake at all this year, there hasn’t been any algae bloom like years prior. Which has made the water quality and fishing throughout the whole lake solid. We’ve been catching an average of 20 to over 30+ fish a day on our guide trips and with conditions holding strong, it should remain that way for the rest of the summer. As usual at this time of year, the bulk of the bass have moved offshore to hydrilla beds, brush piles, and shell beds. […]

Lake Toho 7 pound bass

August Lake Toho Fishing Report

The bass fishing on Orlando’s Lake Toho has remained excellent this summer! We’re continuing to average 20- 30 bass on our charters with 5+ pounders remaining common. The recent Icast cup which was held on the lake by Major League fishing, and had a 3 fish limit, was won with an incredible 21lbs! With the heat of the summer here the best bite is during the first few hours of the morning when these fish binge feed, so these numbers are all coming from our shorter 2.5-4 hour trips. The reason for the consistently good fishing we’re experiencing is because […]

Lake Toho trophy bass

September Lake Toho fishing report

With fall beginning to approach the bass fishing is starting to change on Orlando’s Lake Toho. The days are starting to shorten and the bass are just now beginning to show signs of moving into a fall feeding pattern. Which basically means they’re starting to feed for longer in the morning instead of quitting once it starts to get hot around 10am, only to feed again in the late afternoon. We’re averaging around 20 bass a day on our guide trips with some days catching over 30. The average size has been good too, we’re catching a decent amount of […]

Awesome day bass fishing lake toho

July Lake Toho fishing report

It’s been one of the best years of fishing we’ve ever seen so far on Orlando’s Lake Toho. Never have I seen the lake as a whole fish so well. I mean there’s so many different areas you can catch fish in right now it’s crazy. Usually with our team of guides we have to fish around each other in certain areas to keep people on good fish, but with the lake being absolutely on fire like it is right now, we are all spread out through the lake fishing different spots and slaying them all the same! Lake Toho […]

20 pound Lake Toho bag of bass

Lake Toho September fishing report

The bass fishing on Lake Toho has been more consistently good than I have ever seen it! And it’s because of one thing, the FWC. I have to say the FWC has done a great job of managing these lakes and listening to us these last couple of years and we are all able to pick the fruits of their labor now. With the reduction of spraying and killing the hydrilla it has allowed for massive populations of fish to concentrate in it. Which in turn has lead to the consistent fishing. They’re spraying it the way they should be […]

Lake Toho giant bass

July Lake Toho fishing report

It’s the middle of the summer and we’re in what I believe is the secret best big bass time of year. While it is widely known that the best time to catch big bass in Florida is during the winter when things cool down. Nearly everyone I know who lives here has caught their BIGGEST during the summer, including myself. All between June-September. We catch a lot of 8-10 pound bass in the winter but it always seems like the heat of the summer is when the ones over 10 pounds are caught. All of the lakes 3 biggest bass […]

10.2 pound Lake Toho giant

Lake Toho June fishing report

Welcome back everyone! Hope you all are doing well. Thankfully most places have opened back up here or are set to open back up soon here in Florida. I’m just happy we were all able to fish throughout the whole thing. But anyway we are back to guiding here at AJ’s Bass Guides and if you’ve been following any of our social media then you know what kind of fish the lake has been producing here lately. Some real monsters. We’ve been getting trophy size fish almost everyday! I’m not kidding check out our Instagram @orlandobass1 or Facebook @freelancerbass. It’s […]

Megabass Jerkbait

The 7 best Florida bass lures

Here we go, the 7 best Florida bass lures. This was a tough one to come up with because there are so many good lures out there but the 7 that I’ve chosen are consistently better producers of giant Florida bass than any other lures that I’ve found. This selection of bass fishing lures will cover just about anything that you’ll come across in Florida. I’ve also got another blog on the 5 best topwater lures for fishing Florida. If you’re interested, you can check that out here. Whether or not an individual lure on the list will work for […]

8 pound Lake Toho bass

September Lake Toho Fishing Report

Ahhh the good old consistency of Florida summer bass fishing. For the most part not much has changed from last months fishing report to this months. Except for one key factor. The big fish bite. For whatever reason the big fish bite has picked up from last month and I’m not complaining. It’s been fun! While the average total amount of bass we’ve been catching remains the same, the amount of fish 7 pounds and up has increased and become much more consistent. Now getting them to the boat has been a different story…  unfortunately we’ve had a lot of […]